Grey Catbird | Holt Paradise Pond - Port Aransas, Texas

Black Necked Stilt, Dowitchers, Green Winged Teals | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Yellow-Throated Warbler | Bay Area Neighborhood - Corpus Christi, Texas

Swamp Sparrow | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Yellow-Rumped Warbler | Caribbean Drive Pond - Corpus Christi, Texas

Tricolored Heron | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

American Robin | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ring-Billed Gull | Packery Channel South Beach - Corpus Christi, Texas

Great Kiskadee | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Black-Necked Stilt | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Clapper Rail | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Great Blue Heron | Oso Bay Wetlands on Ocean Drive - Corpus Christi, Texas

Northern Mockingbird | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Black Skimmer | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Clay-Colored Thrush | Bay Area Neighborhood - Corpus Christi, Texas

Orange-Crowned Warbler | Bay Area Neighborhood - Corpus Christi, Texas

Clapper Rail | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Baltimore Oriole | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Golden-Fronted Woodpecker | Bay Area Neighborhood - Corpus Christi, Texas

Wilsons Plover | Oso Bay Wetlands on Ocean Drive - Corpus Christi, Texas

Red-Shouldered Hawk | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Greater Roadrunner | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Belted Kingfisher | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Blue-Headed Vireo | Caribbean Drive Pond - Corpus Christi, Texas

Long-Billed Dowitcher w/ lunch | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi, Texas

Lincoln's Sparrow | South Texas Botanical Gardens - Corpus Christi, Texas

American Flamingo | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Orange Crowned Warbler | South Texas Botanical Gardens - Corpus Christi, Texas

Yellow-Rumped Warbler | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Sora | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Great Kiskadee | Bay Area Neighborhood - Corpus Christi, Texas

Black & White Warbler | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Yellow Warbler Bathing | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Hooded Oriole | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Northern Cardinal Feeding | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Bronzed Cowbird | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Chuck-Wills-Widow | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ruby Throated Hummingbird with Nest | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Regretful Squirrel | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Northern Cardinal | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Great Egret | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Couch's Kingbird in Flight | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher | West Guth Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Painted Bunting | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Eastern Wood Peewee | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Brown-Crested Flycatcher | Hazel Bazemore Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Gray-Cheeked Thrush | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Ruby Throated Hummingbird | Blucher House - Corpus Christi, Texas

Baltimore Oriole | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Magnolia Warbler | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Northern Waterthrush Bathing | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Cattle Tyrant | Downtown - Corpus Christi, Texas

Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly | Blucher Park - Corpus Christi, Texas

Mottled Duck Swimming with Ducklings | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Black & White Warbler | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Blackburnian Warbler | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center - Port Aransas, Texas

Barn Swallow | UT Marine Science Institute - Port Aransas, Texas

Belted Kingfisher | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi
Yellow Crowned Night Heron | Suter Wildlife Refuge - Corpus Christi
Long Billed Dowitcher | JFK Causeway Wetlands - Corpus Christi